Home for Guinder & Noemi (Mission House Hosts)
Lodging for Short Term Mission Teams
Training Hub for Local Elders-in-Training
Your gift of $100 could cover the cost of items like:
-Cleaning Supplies
-Monthly Utilities
Your gift of $100 could help to cover the cost of items like:
-Bunk Beds
The mission house currently has 8 of the 20 needed mattresses.
$2,400 will cover the cost of the additional 12 mattresses.
Cleaning Supplies
The house needs to be stocked with cleaning supplies for everyday use and specifically for cleaning after teams come to stay.
Additional bunk beds & a futon need to be purchased to furnish the apartment.
Funds collected during 14 Days of Generosity are to be used for the specific needs outlined above. However, Advance Community Church reserves the right to use contributions as it sees fit for global church planting efforts. Any funds collected in excess of what is needed shall be deposited into the Missions Account to be used when needed for global church planting efforts.